What Reiki Can Do
Reiki works with the energetic, physical and emotional aspects of the individual to address imbalances on all levels.
Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:
*General balancing
*Clearing emotional blocks
*Physical pain
*Tension and anxiety
*Sleep issues
*Increasing clarity
*Issues with life
How is Reiki different from other therapies?
Reiki is holistic in its approach and works with not only the symptoms an individual experiences but the root cause of the imbalance as well.
How do I know this is right for me?
People who have a nagging feeling that something in their life or body mind is out of balance or they feel like they are struggling within themselves and their environment usually find Reiki at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this could be the sign that your body mind is ready to begin healing and experience growth.
What to Expect During a Reiki Session
You will complete a confidential client history form that outlines the areas in your body and life that you would like the session to focus on. This will also help me to monitor your progress from session to session. Once you have asked any questions you have, you will lie fully clothed on a therapy table and relax. I will then place my hands above your body over various parts in a sequential method. At the end of the session, you can discuss any questions you may have with the practitioner.
What to Expect After a Reiki Session
People experience different things during a Reiki session but the most usual experience is feeling calm and relaxed. Some people report that they felt the Reiki as a tingling sensation or heat or that they saw colours during a session. Others do not experience anything in particular.
Sometimes there is an emotional release and after a session some people experience a healing reaction such as flu-like symptoms or a headache.
Sessions lengths vary from person to person and is your personal choice.
Reiki and Pregnancy
Reiki is both safe and extremely beneficial to an unborn child and their pregnant mother. Reiki can help during pregnancy in various ways such as:
Alleviating morning sickness.
Reducing stress and tiredness.
Reiki can be used to treat painful muscles, joints or the spine.
Reiki strengthens the bond between a mother and her baby. When a mother who is attuned to Reiki places her hands on her tummy she is passing pure unconditional love and healing to her unborn child.
Reiki keeps the mind body and spirit in balance reducing the chances of post natal depression.
Reiki nourishes the foetus with love and the universal life force. It gently comforts, protects and envelops the unborn baby.
Infertility Issues.
As part of my Hypnobirthing with antenatal course a free Reiki session and Chakra balancing is included.
Reiki and Animals
Ways to use Reiki for animals
When they are ill: Reiki helps the healing process and works with any type of medical veterinary intervention.
When they are young or old: You can use Reiki on an animal of any age or situation.
When they have been through a trauma: Animals can use loving energy after they’ve experienced any type of abuse, loss, or move, or if they seem to exhibit depression or other behavioural disorder. Even if you don’t know what the problem is, you can use Reiki to help.
Animals respond positively to Reiki and it can really help family pets as well as other animals feel so much better and help them to recover from illnesses, diseases, through labour and from past neglect or abuse.
I have a rescue dog and Reiki has been particularly helpful in helping her emotionally with trust issues and physically with stomach issues. She instinctively lets me know what areas she would like to work on.
Animals respond differently to Reiki depending on their type of illness and personality. With this in mind, i usually start by building rapport with an animal, i will then send distance Reiki and if the signs are positive i will either use Reiki by touch or by using my hands just above.